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Hello world!


I’m Misato, lovely to get to know you!

This is me, a quiet, sloppy and little clumsy Aquarian♒♒♒

I’m a jeweller and artist, my job is to create things.

🔴Disclaimer🔴 My English is not perfect. Since I’m not a native English speaker, I make many grammatical mistakes and say something that doesn’t make sense!

Life changing event: jewellery making!

I jumped into the world of jewellery making about 7 years ago (as of 2021) at Silverhub Studio in Edinburgh, just because I wanted to learn something new. I studied linguistic at a university in Tokyo, then worked in some places, but during those days I was lost what to do with my life (a typical youngster case??) and unconsciously I was looking for a big change.

I just fell in love from the first moment that I started jewellery making. I just continued working on it without doubting if this is my way or not until I found myself in Barcelona, studying artistic jewellery in a local art school, and still my journey continues.

I might write about my professional path more in the later blog, as It might help somebody to find theirs, whether it’s something to do with jewellery, art or even in different fields.

Thank you very much for reading and I’m very excited to share my thoughts here😊



A part of the sales of my pieces goes to a local animal shelter in Spain. Thank you for helping our furry friends!

© 2024 Misato Takahashi

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